  Getting started

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There are many papers and articles on Voxel Coloring and Space Carving and extensions to them. To get started, I suggest that you read my Bachelors thesis and then read the references made there.

  • Koen van de Sande, A practical setup for voxel coloring using off-the-shelf components. University of Amsterdam, Bachelor thesis, June 2004. PDF version (12.3 MB).
  • Steven M. Seitz and Charles R. Dyer. Photorealistic scene reconstruction by voxel coloring. In Proceedings of the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, pages 1067-1073, 1997.
  • Steven M. Seitz and Charles R. Dyer. Photorealistic scene reconstruction by voxel coloring. In International Journal of Computer Vision, 35(2): pages 151-173, 1999.
  • Kiriakos N. Kutulakos and Steven M. Seitz. A theory of shape by space carving. In International Journal of Computer Vision, 38(3): pages 198-218, 2000.
  • Greg Slabaugh, Bruce Culbertson, Tom Malzbender and Ron Schafer. A survey of methods for volumentric scene reconstruction from photographs. International Workshop on Volume Graphics, 2001.

In my conclusion, I refer to an Bachelor project Artificial Intelligence which will develop an extension for my setup; you can find the resulting report here:

  • Koen van de Sande, Absolute localization
    using a pseudo-randomly colored pattern.
    University of Amsterdam, Bachelor thesis, July 2004. PDF version (9.3 MB).

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